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Administrative - territorial division of the Republic of Belarus.
Administrative - territorial division
of the Republic of Belarus.Добавьте подпись
Territorial division.
Areas 6
Neighborhoods 118
Cities 115
City districts 24
Urban-type settlements (towns) 86
Rural areas 23119
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The Longest Avenue in Minsk
Independence Avenue (Belarusian: праспект Незалежнасці, Russian: проспект Независимости) is the main street of Minsk, the capital of Belarus...
The Zhodino city - where build largest mining trucks in Belarus 2020.
Hello dear Guest! Today we will visit the city of Zhodino. The city where they build large mining trucks. One of the leaders in the global ...
Kolozha Church in Grodno
Kolozha Church, in Grodno, Belarus The St. Boris and Gleb Kolozha Church is the architectural pearl of ancient Grodno, a unique monum...
State structure of the Republic of Belarus.
State symbols of the Republic of Belarus The Republic of Belarus - unitary democratic social constitutional state: State power in the...
Sapieha Palace in Ružany.
The palace complex in Ruzhany 2015 The palace complex in Ruzhany is one of the unique corners of Belarus. For centuries, the most bea...
August channel 2020
The Augustow Canal 2020 There are only three such channels in the world: Caledonian in Great Britain, Gotha channel in Sweden, and Augustow...
Welcome to the site - welcome to Belarus.
Here you will find many interesting topics relating to our country. Discover the world of the Republic of Belarus. Her location, who...
The memorial complex "Brest Fortress Hero".
The memorial complex "Brest Fortress Hero" The Brest Fortress is one of the iconic places of Belarus, a symbol of Soviet re...
UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage in Belarus and UNESCO Awards.
UNESCO UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage in Belarus Belarussian rite "Carol tsars" A celebration in honor of the ven...
The city of Turov is located in the Zhitkovichi district of the Gomel region of Belarus.
This is one of the most ancient and iconic cities of Belarus and the capital of the former Principality of Turov in the 10th-13th centuries....