
May 8 Victory Day but for Belarus is 9 may.

Mound of Glory

Today is celebrated on May 8 Victory Day. 

But in our country, he, like in the countries of the former Soviet Union, he celebrates on May 9. Because of the coronavirus, all countries went to self-analysis, and mass events were canceled, including Russia canceled the celebration of Victory Day. 

Canceled everything, but not the Republic of Belarus. Of course, in relation to the whole world, it looks defiant, but it is a fact. And the fact that
active preparations are underway for the Victory Parade is also an anniversary date for the 75th anniversary. And the fact that it will be held tomorrow. If we forget these dates, then we will not wait long for the next war, on which the survival of mankind will depend.

Why we should remember the Second World War, according to incomplete data, the loss of life of Belarus during the Great Patriotic War (WWII) and the war with Japan amounted to 3,074,193 people. It turns out that every third resident of the BSSR (now Belarus) died if compared with the pre-war population of the republic of 9,183.4 thousand people, or a rounded figure of 9.2 million people.

In our country, there are a lot of monuments and memorials dedicated to World War II.
You can get acquainted with private tours to places of World War II in Belarus. 

Watch tours here ...

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