
Council of Ministers decides to restrict border crossing in connection with COVID-19

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November 1, the Republic of Belarus temporarily suspends border crossing for entry for foreign citizens and stateless persons at road checkpoints, simplified checkpoints, checkpoints at railway stations (stations), checkpoints in river ports across the State border of the Republic of Belarus in order to prevent proliferation infection caused by COVID-19.

Council of Ministers decides to restrict border crossing in connection with COVID-19

This limitation does not apply to:

1. foreign citizens traveling on diplomatic and service passports;

2. heads and members of official delegations;

3. foreigners providing international gratuitous assistance to the Republic of Belarus;

4. drivers of vehicles when performing international road transport, as well as transporting international postal items;

5. crew members of inland waterway transport vessels, train crews, locomotive crews of international railway traffic;

6. foreigners who are spouses, parents, or children of citizens of the Republic of Belarus;

7. foreigners who have the right to a permanent or temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

8. foreigners who have a work permit or supporting documents for employment in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

9. foreigners traveling to the Republic of Belarus upon notification of a serious illness or death of a close relative;

10. foreigners transporting stem cells, organs for transplantation;

11. citizens of the Russian Federation traveling in transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation;

12.foreigners traveling in transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on a simplified procedure for the passage of the section of the highway Slavutich - Chernobyl NPP, which passes through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, workers, vehicles and cargo of the Chernobyl NPP and enterprises operating in the exclusion zone, as well as foreign specialists involved in the implementation of international projects for the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, dated January 20, 2009.

Persons arriving in Belarus through the Minsk National Airport are also not subject to this restriction.

About self-isolation

Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreigners who are spouses, parents or children of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as foreigners who have the right to permanent or temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, within 10 calendar days from the date of arrival in the Republic of Belarus from foreign states included by the Ministry of Health in The list of states with an unfavorable situation with COVID-19 must be in self-isolation and are not subject to subsequent passage across the border before the expiration of the 10-day period.

Should not be in self-isolation and must be allowed to cross the border:

1. employees of diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Republic of Belarus in foreign states who have diplomatic and service passports, as well as members of their families;

2. employees of the State Courier Service of the Republic of Belarus, delivering official correspondence and diplomatic mail on interstate courier routes;

3. Employees of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Special Communications", delivering special items along interstate routes of special communications;

4. drivers of vehicles intended for international road transport, as well as transport of international postal items;

5. members of crews of aircraft, inland waterway transport vessels, train crews, locomotive crews of international railway traffic;

6. individuals who arrived in the Republic of Belarus after being on a business trip.

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