
Lubchansky castle, Belarus.

Lubchansky castle, Belarus.

The construction of the castle began in the 16th century. 

Lubchansky castle was built in 1581 by tycoon Jan Kishka.

The castle is surrounded by earthen moats and the Neman River, which offers fantastic views from the castle.

Literally immediately, the castle becomes the property of the Radziwills, who are completing 3 towers, reinforcing the fortification characteristics of the castle.
In 1655, the Zaporozhye Cossacks, led by the hetman Zolotarenko, attacked the towers and destroyed the printing house located here, which since 1612 had been publishing books in Polish and Latin, on medicine, history, poetry, and religious literature.

In 1945, only ruins remained from the castle.

Lubchansky Castle is the only one in Belarus restored by volunteers; the state does not participate in reconstruction.

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