
The most important and main characteristics of the REPUBLIC OF BELARUS on January 1, 2018

Symbols Coat of arms and Flag of the Republic of Belarus.

Мain characteristics of the REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. 

Territory 207.6 thousand km2 (square mile 80.15) (41.3% - agricultural land, 41.2% - forest land, 6.2% - surface water, including swamps, 10.4% - other land)

The population as of January 1, 2018, - 9,491,823

Urban - 77.9%, rural - 22.1%

Population density of 46 people per 1 km2

The capital of Minsk is 1 982.4 thousand people (01.01.2018)

The length from north to south is 560 km, from west to east - 650 km

January - (-7.00С - 19.4F), July - (+ 20.60С - 69.08F)

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