Symbols Coat of arms and Flag of the Republic of Belarus. |
Мain characteristics of the REPUBLIC OF BELARUS.
Territory 207.6 thousand km2 (square mile 80.15) (41.3% - agricultural land, 41.2% - forest land, 6.2% - surface water, including swamps, 10.4% - other land)
The population as of January 1, 2018, - 9,491,823
Urban - 77.9%, rural - 22.1%
Population density of 46 people per 1 km2
The capital of Minsk is 1 982.4 thousand people (01.01.2018)
The length from north to south is 560 km, from west to east - 650 km
January - (-7.00С - 19.4F), July - (+ 20.60С - 69.08F)