
The Svityaz lake.

The Svityaz lake.

Svityaz is a lake of karst origin. 

It was formed as a result of the failure of the Quaternary deposits in the underground voids.

The statement of geologists about the origin of this unique body of water is consistent with the legend used by Adam Mickiewicz in the ballad "Svityaz".

Legend has it that during the time of the first Grand Duke of Lithuania, Mindovg (XIII century), the city of Svityaz stood in place of the lake, in which Prince Turan ruled. During the war, Mindovg called the Svityaz squad to help in the defense of Novogrudok. 

Turan, obeying his duty, left the city to women, the elderly, and children. When an enemy army approached Svityaz, the residents decided to resist, but not being able to keep the city, they began to set fire to their homes. 

At this moment, the city fell into the lake, which formed in its place. All the inhabitants turned into flowers, and the enemies who touched them died. So the inhabitants of Svityaz escaped the shame of bondage.

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