
Catholic church of Saints Peter and Paul in Boruny, Belarus.

Catholic church of Saints Peter and Paul in Boruny, Belarus.

Church of St. Peter and Paul 1700-07, 1747-57 In its walls, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of the Borunsky is still abiding. 

At the end of the seventeenth century, this image belonged to Nikolai Peslyak, who received it as a gift from his relative, rector of the Polatsk Uniate monastery, and healed from blindness with his help.

In gratitude to the Mother of God, Peslyak built a wooden church in Boruny, where the Basilian monks soon arrived. In the middle of the XVIII century, the church was rebuilt from brick, and later, towards the end of the same century, a stone Basilian monastery appeared here. In 1700, a school was opened at the monastery, which reached its peak in the early nineteenth century. Some of her students became famous writers: Ignatius and Leonard Khodko, Anthony Odynets, Julian Korsak.

The high-rise monastery ensemble is effectively opened to the square. In the refined silhouette of the buildings, the former Uniate Church - now the three-nave, two-tower church of Saints Peter and Paul, serves as a specific emphasis. True, one of the towers is not completed, but it is supplemented by a nearby belfry, which is as if taken by the architect’s hand from an unfinished tower. This fun intrigue provides relative visual symmetry and at the same time gives liveliness to the whole composition.

In the underground chapel under the church (before there was a crypt) you can see the holy spring, decorated in the form of a fountain.

One of the legends about Prince Vitaut who was hiding in the Boruns. The servants of Jagiello find him praying in the temple. Seeing Vytautas in front of the altar, they dare not give him Jagiello, the disgraced prince leaves through a secret passage. There is a legend according to which the nobleman put a small cap on this place, who got lost in the forest (at that time there was an impassable forest in these places). He had practically no chance of salvation. But suddenly ... The Mother of God appeared to him and indicated the path along which he got out of the forest. It was this kaplichka that became the forerunner of the monastery and the church. In the temple, there is an icon of the Mother of God of the Borunsky, which is considered miraculous.

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