
Begoml is a small town, rather, a village in the south of the Vitebsk region of Belarus, 100 km from Minsk to the north.

Coat of arms of the city of Begoml
Begoml city of Vitebsk region.


The village under the name Bagoml was first mentioned in chronicles in 1582. It belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, then the Commonwealth. 

After the second partition of the latter in 1793, Begoml, as part of the newly formed Minsk province, was annexed to the Russian Empire.
At the end of the XIX century. in the village there were 43 courtyards, there was a school, a church, and a hospital, the village was the center of a volost in Borisov district. Since 1924 Begoml is the center of the Begoml region.

During the Great Patriotic War, Begoml was occupied from its very first days, in July 1941. Like the whole of Belarus, the Begoml region suffered heavy losses during those times: the Nazis burned more than 100 villages, more than 20 thousand inhabitants of the region died. A Jewish ghetto was organized in Begomla. Local residents put up tough resistance to the invaders: a real partisan war broke out in the area, more than 3 thousand people took part in military operations as part of military units and partisan detachments. Thanks to these efforts, already at the end of 1942, the area was actually controlled by partisans, and the liberation of the area from the occupiers took place in July 1942.

In 1960, Begoml entered the Dokshitsy region.

Famous people

Many famous people far beyond the region came out of Begoml and Begomlshina:

• VN Dronov - Rear Admiral, Submariner, Hero of the Russian Federation, led brigades of submarines, tested warships and their weapons;

• S.S.Mankovich - Hero of the Soviet Union, commissar of partisan brigades;

• SPApivala - Hero of the Soviet Union, organizer and leader of partisan groups;

• Famous Belarusian poets: Pimen Panchenko, Ales Staver, Yuras Svirka.


There are interesting historical sites in Begomla and its surroundings. One of the main attractions of the town is the buildings of the industrial complex (distilleries), built in the 70s of the XIX century. The complex currently has three buildings. These buildings are well preserved and are of particular interest to tourists. The former building of alcohol sorting now houses the Museum of National Glory, which contains interesting exhibits related to archeology, ethnography, the history of the Great Patriotic War in the Begoml region, as well as works of art.

In addition, in the village, you can see the Church of All Saints, built in the second half of the 19th century. in the then fashionable "Old Russian" style. After the war, the church was used as an alcohol storage facility and was not restored. The building is currently in ruins.

There are many monuments to war heroes in Begomla. For example, near the highway leading to the village, there is an Il-14 aircraft in memory of the partisan airfield that operated here during the war years, which provided communication between the partisan zone in Begomla and the mainland. At the place where this airfield was, a monument was erected - a stele with an airplane on top.

Begoml is the center of the Begoml village council, located in the Dokshitsy district of the Vitebsk region, Belarus. 

Begoml's postal code - 211730, telephone code - 2157 (Belarus code - +375).

Video of Begoml city.

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