
Over its history, Mogilev has repeatedly turned out to be an important strategic point on the map of Belarus.

Coat of arms of the city of Mogilev

Оn the eve of World War II, the city almost became the capital of Belarus due to the dangerous proximity of Minsk to the western border. 

During the First World War, here was the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the residence of Emperor Nicholas II.
The House of Soviets erected in a short time reminds of those times - an almost exact copy of the Minsk Government House. 

One of the most striking pages of the history of Mogilev was the heroic defense at the beginning of World War II, when the city lasted 23 days, 16 of them in the complete encirclement.
Mogilev Guests of the city, which arose more than seven centuries ago on the banks of the Dnieper, are met by a sculpture of a station ranger against the background of an old station (1902). 

The pedestrian street Leninskaya, known since the 16th century under the names Vetryanaya, Bolshaya Sadovaya, and Engineering, also preserves the historical atmosphere. 
The layout of the city of Mogilev

Here you can see the beautiful buildings of the 18th – 19th centuries: the former city council, the archbishop’s palace, the gymnasium building, where the first president of the Hawaiian Islands Nikolai Sudzilovsky, the explorer of the North Otto Schmidt studied ... 

The Square of Stars divides the street, which is decorated with the only monument in the world to an asterisk and a sundial from 12 chairs symbolizing the signs of the zodiac.

Climbing the restored Mogilev Town Hall, you can admire the panorama of the city and listen to the trumpeter, who plays fanfare three times a day and talks about events from the history of Mogilev.

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