
Belovezhskaya Pushcha - UNESCO

Belovezhskaya Pushcha UNESCO

The legendary Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the oldest reserves in the world, the largest of the remaining parts of the huge relict forest of Europe, which many centuries ago extended from the Baltic Sea to the Bug and from the Oder to the Dnieper.

The unique natural area that unites Belarus and Poland is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In addition, Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the largest of the four national parks in Belarus (the area is almost 153 thousand hectares).

In 1993, he received the status of a biosphere reserve, in 1997 he was awarded a diploma of the Council of Europe as one of the reference environmental institutions on the continent.

In 2009, Belarus celebrated the 600th anniversary of the establishment of a conservation regime in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

To this day, wildlife has been preserved here, unique in its biodiversity and in the number of rare species of flora and fauna.

Among them is the bison symbol of the country - the heaviest and largest land mammal in Europe, the last European representative of wild bulls.

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